Geriatric Care Management

Geriatric Consultation and Case Management (GCM) services are utilized by caregivers as a means of balancing a demanding lifestyle while caring for a loved one locally or at a distance. A professional geriatric care manager assess, plan, coordinate, monitor, advocate and provide services for the elderly and their families. The care manager can handle difficult interpersonal issues and address the immediate and unexpected problem.
The GCM performs an assessment and may recommend the following services to be provided by the GCM including, but not limited to long-term and/or short-term care planning, In-home safety assessment, Medicare/Medigap and Medicaid assistance, Medicaid application, Supplemental Pool Trust, PRI, obtainment of services from third-party service providers, including, but not limited to, nurses, aides, and specialized care consultants, arrangement and supervision of services provided by Clinical Professionals, Scheduling, escort and follow-up to medical appointments, transition assistance to alternative living arrangements (Independent, Assisted or Nursing Home living), Crisis intervention, 24/7 emergency contact.

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