From our initial research and conversations with educators, we realize that there is minimal knowledge in the community on youth caregivers. As part of our youth Caregiver initiative, we want to fill this void and increase awareness for these students by educating healthcare providers, teachers, guidance counselors, social workers and other professionals on the challenge of youth caring.
Please contact us if you would like to partner in this initiative.

The program was based out of PS 83 in 2015. It has relocated to 177 Dreiser Loop, 2nd Fl, Room Zero in Co-op City. The SHARKS program has been dedicated to providing youth caregivers with a safe space with education, support, and respite services. Within a peer-to-peer environment, youth have an opportunity to step away from the responsibility of being a caregiver and enjoy being a youth again.

Youth Caregiver Story
Do you know a youth caregiver who would be interested in sharing their story and join the SHARKS Program? Please contact us.

Are you looking for an issue to research for your dissertation? Have you considered youth caregiving's impact on our home, community,health care system, and nation? Please get in touch with us for more details.